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Proxy_Falls_090604_039.jpgProxy Falls II




.8 Miles Round Trip

Unbelievably Easy










Tanis really enjoyed this hike as he was able to complete it himself without any help.  It is a very small trail that loops around coming to and from the highway.  The falls, though are worth the small trip.  There were a lot of people milling about, so if solitude is what you are after, you are on the wrong trail.

Tanis even took the best picture of the trip:


It is definitely worth walking down to and climbing up to the falls as close as you can get.  The water cascading over the basalt, moss covered columns looks like a sculpted, urban fall than a nature made falls.  I think I could have stayed there for hours.  It's like an incredibly addictive screen saver.  I will have to say I have a thing for falls, the ocean and river rapids.  They fascinate me, the roars, the rushing, the speed and power of the water; it's very intoxicating.


Tanis was definitely into posing with attitude.  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take him right up to the falls, it was pretty slick rocks and mossy, slimy logs getting up to the actual falls themselves.


This place requires you to keep your dog on a leash so make sure you bring one!
