From the Earth to the Moon
Hell and Tyee Springs
It was an incredible fall day. No one wore a coat and I don't think there was a drop of sweat amongst us.
The headwater is only 10 minutes from the parking lot but you never feel that while you are walking along the stream. We reached the headwaters after following the stream up its course after about a half mile. The stream just springs from a large bed of moss. It just appears with no warning or fanfare. We all wandered around this area for a bit, threw down some water and a handful of gorp and headed back to the parking lot.
After we reached the parking lot, I noticed where we were:
And sitting in the parking lot was:
We figured the positive and negative energy cancelled itself and gave the place a balance that was agreeable to all. We walked along the river for a small bit putting on some coats as the temperature dropped down a bit and the wind picked up. The wind was coming off the river and it had a rich smell of fall and new things to come.
Sitting in the middle of the lake were two men in a little red boat. They had an anchor out and were both lying facing one another. They weren't fishing. They weren't even talking. I think they were both drunk and sleeping.