Da View
Hoodoo, Oregon
Elevation: 4,668 Feet
The view from the top of Hoodoo is surrounded with a panoramic views of some of the most spectacular mountains in Oregon. To the east lies Mount Washington (7,790 Feet) with its sloping sourth side just hiding the Three Sisters sitting behind it. Most people think they are seeing the North Sister when they see the backside of Washington.
North of Hoodoo sits the razorback of Three Fingered Jack, a land shark sitting in front of Mount Jefferson (10,497 Feet).
The west of Hoodoo are gigantic landscapes of forests, smaller peaks and valleys going all the way to the Willamette Valley. The Santiam Pass is the main thoroughfair for the majority of the population coming over from the valley to Sisters, Bend and all of Central Oregon. The winter can bring treacherous road conditions and lots of snow. The winter of 2003 we had our 100 Inch Base party in March.
Click here for some volcano information on these mountains.