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Bachelor to Bend

Avoiding Pavement

Digging the Tree Roots


2006-09-21 Deschutes River Trail 019.jpg

2006-09-21 Deschutes River Trail 019.jpg
The afternoon sunlight coming through the treens into a green meadow at the beginning of the Flagline Trail
Mount Bachelor from the Dutchman Flat parking lot
The faint Three Sisters just outside of the Dutchman Flats sno-park near Mount Bachelor, Oregon
Do I want to get Happy or Swamped?  Either way, its Flagline Trail time, baby!
One of the few areas where Flagline is lazy
Looking down into the Tumalo Creek Falls valley from the Swede Ridge Trail
The Swede Shelter on the Swede Ridge Trail just before you turn off onto Sector 16 Trail
Broken Top with South Sister looming over his left shoulder
The narrow trees of Sector 16
A little rock chute on Shooting Star (Upper Whoops)
Shooting Star shelter at the top of Upper Whoops De Doos, Central Oregon